I'm trying to have an additional drive with vista installed for back-up, recovery, problem solving etc... for my laptop. So I tried to be smart, and installed Vista on a SATA hard drive that was connected to the SATA cable of a PC. The HD was then put in an enclosure connected via USB to the laptop. However, when trying a reboot on the USB drive, it got started (which means it recognized the System on the external HD), then the loading stops with a blue screen and the machine get restarted. I believe there should be an incompatibility in the way vista was installed (as a main HD "C:") and the way it tries to load (as an external HD "F:"). I have no clue how to repair the installation on the external HD, I tried the "Repair" function from the vista DVD but it didn't help, same problem after repair. May be things have to be repaired manually?
any help will be appreciated.
any help will be appreciated.