I'm not totally sure this is in the right forum. If it isn't, a mod can feel free to relocate it to the appropriate area.
When I go to my control panel and click on change desktop backround I get the message, this feature has been disabled by the sysadmin...
Now, this is a brand new laptop with Vista Basic I believe. It's an HP. I use it for entirely personal use and i'm the only one who EVER uses it, at home.
Now i've read a few different posts by people in the same situation and was directed to this page
I'm trying to do the download thing and the forums are telling me my account hasn't been activated yet which it obviously has or I wouldn't be able to post at all, correct?
I'll just have to wait, see what happens and try it again later, hopefully.
When I go to my control panel and click on change desktop backround I get the message, this feature has been disabled by the sysadmin...
Now, this is a brand new laptop with Vista Basic I believe. It's an HP. I use it for entirely personal use and i'm the only one who EVER uses it, at home.
Now i've read a few different posts by people in the same situation and was directed to this page
How to Enable or Prevent the Desktop Background Wallpaper from being Changed in Vista
Now, that didn't work at all.. I did everything step one step two, manual, download everything. Nothing works... I'll try it once more right now just to see what happens and update all of you.
I'm trying to do the download thing and the forums are telling me my account hasn't been activated yet which it obviously has or I wouldn't be able to post at all, correct?
I'll just have to wait, see what happens and try it again later, hopefully.
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