The hourglass appears because Yahoo is working (checking for or receiving your mail). It appears because your cursor is moved over the window that is the focus. If I'm understanding you correctly, and you don't say, the hourglass goes away after you have received your mail. This is normal.
If it doesn't go away, the program is hung up somehow. Then try refreshing the window [F5].
this is never goes away, unless i go out of the mail page then come back in..then if im lucky it will remove itself, but for the most part it is always there!!!!
it never did that b4???/ it started out as a spinning blue circle that never went away , then it turned into an hour never did that b4!!!!
Just for kicks, download Thunderbird mail and set it up as your POP email client and see what happens. Other than that I don't know what to tell you. I never use Yahoo, mainly because of all the other junk that loads on the page that AT&T thinks I need.
I truly believe the problem is with Yahoo and something is working in the background or not loading completely when you have that page open. By your comments it seems that you are insistent on using Yahoo as your email client. Due to what I feel is an extensive amount of useless crapola on the home page, I only use Yahoo when I am away from home and need to access email via their web based client. I have switched to Thunderbird and Firefox after having used Netscape for many years and I am not looking back or forward toward Outlook or IE7 or 8. I suggest you do the same.
As I noted in my previous post, download Thunderbird and give it a try. If you don't like it is is easily uninstalled.
Edit: I tried going from the new Yahoo to the Yahoo Classic and got the dreaded hourglass. At the same time I could hear an excessive amount of hard drive activity on the comp. I think it is loading something in the background and therefore, the hourglass activity. I have never seen this issue before. Technically, it is beyond my capabilities to help you any further with this issue. Just follow my earlier advice.