I am having trouble with sorting my file list whose file names begin with 6 digits representing the date. (ex: 011809 which is Jan 18 2009). I am running Vista Home Premium and additionally have gone in to the registry and added a New DWORD Value, NoStrCmpLogical with a value of 1. This has resulted in everything beginning with 1's, 2's etc. being grouped but not using the entire 6 digits.
I am working on Exhibits for a Special Ed complaint that must be filed yesterday! However, with over 180 Exhibits and not being able to sort them chronologically, I am going in circles.
I am not sure if the value needs to be changed or if their is a different way to go about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use OPTION ONE in the tutorial below to add a column that may have a date option listed that can sort the files the way you are want. Afterwards use OPTION FOUR to try the different sort orders for it for one that may work.