The problem: your machine goes to sleep during long DVD burns because the processor utilisation is insufficient to convince the OS that something worth staying awake for is currently happening. The hardware is so powerful, and the act of burning a DVD so comparatively undemanding, that the OS has no reason to think anything special is happening - so it just nods off.
Code-level explanation: in order to alert the OS to activity which is so important that all thoughts of sleep should be postponed, an application ought to call SetThreadExecutionState (STES). Think of that as a button that the app should press (and hold) in order to prevent sleep. Apparently, Nero's not doing that in your case. However, it doesn't matter
which app calls STES. As long as one of the currently-running apps presses and holds the STES "button", the machine should not go to sleep.
STESwrap.exe does three things...
- calls STES (presses the "don't go to sleep now" button)
- starts any application you want it to start - the name of the app is passed on the command-line.
- continues to run while the app it started is also running, and in doing so keeps the STES "button" pressed.
STESwrap.exe is a command-line utility. To use it, download the STESwrap.exe file, unleash every virus scanner you've got onto it (to make sure it's virus-free in case my machine has been infected with something and I'm not aware of the situation), then...
- copy STESwrap.exe into the same folder as Nero.exe, or whatever the executable that starts Nero is called. (check the shortcut properties in the start menu)
- create a startNero.bat file in the same location whose only contents are this...
steswrap.exe Nero.exe
Any time that batch file is invoked, STESwrap should start Nero.exe and you should be able to burn without the machine going to sleep on you. Optionally, you could create a shortcut on your desktop to the startNero.bat file so that you can simply double-click to start everything without having to open a CMD prompt every time or find startNero.bat.