Hi all,
Starting having a problem with my Dell laptop about 4-5 days ago. Behavior is as Follows:
Windows just stops during virus scan (Trend Micro) - eventually have to crash it
Sometimes during logon, Windows just wanders away....either have to crash it or eventually it will reboot.
Cannot boot in safe mode. It will get so far in loading dll files and then reboots it self after a period of inactivity.
Cannot download latest Windows security updates.
The symptoms sound like the conflicker worm so I've tried the Sysclean tool recommended by Trend Micro with the latest pattern file. The system stops at some point just as it does with the virus scan and I have to crash it. If I log on to the latop and just surf or play games, no problem. I've also run sfc /scannow which reports no problems.
I'm a bit frustrated..do I have a worm, a hardware problem, a Vista problem or what? Any suggestions are most welcome!!!!!
Starting having a problem with my Dell laptop about 4-5 days ago. Behavior is as Follows:
Windows just stops during virus scan (Trend Micro) - eventually have to crash it
Sometimes during logon, Windows just wanders away....either have to crash it or eventually it will reboot.
Cannot boot in safe mode. It will get so far in loading dll files and then reboots it self after a period of inactivity.
Cannot download latest Windows security updates.
The symptoms sound like the conflicker worm so I've tried the Sysclean tool recommended by Trend Micro with the latest pattern file. The system stops at some point just as it does with the virus scan and I have to crash it. If I log on to the latop and just surf or play games, no problem. I've also run sfc /scannow which reports no problems.
I'm a bit frustrated..do I have a worm, a hardware problem, a Vista problem or what? Any suggestions are most welcome!!!!!