Just in case you're still around/interested...
Got a big monitor? Sweet-ass NVIDIA/Intel device driver on 64-bit architecture?
STUMPED by the unfairness of the universe, re how some folks can overclock to their hearts content, earning virtual medals of honour whilst vaporising their brethren, while you can't even enjoy some visually stimulating math-generated pretty patterns whilst enjoying that well-earned tea break?!!
RIBBONS does seem especially problematic. I thought I'd tested extensively, and resolved ALL bugs, with the astonishing naming-convention-hack: Intel, in their
infinite wisdom, apprently decided one day - "Hey, maybe OpenGL in screensavers ain't cool; let's disable harware accelaration {sic}".
Aworkaround I've found involves
1) Taking ownership of the offending screensaver (assuming it's "installed", in windows\system32? any workaround for this please share! IE I have a "MySy32" registered folder, with child SCR folder also registered, alas to
properly install a screensaver, it seems it must be in %windir%\system32... )
2) rename the file, so the extension is (case-sensitive)
3) Install the new .
Off to compare 32-bit stability of ribbons! RECOMMENDATION: "Actual Multiple Monitors". The level of configuration offered, along with the rule-based config interface itself makes it a joy to work with (and easily offers multi-background/scr/monitor config options