Earlier I had complained that my new Vista 64 Ultimate took 7 to 10 minutes to fully book. At least 7 to 10 minutes for my HD light to stop flickering.
I found a way to reduce the HD activity to what I consider normal.
1. Removed my ReadyBoost Drive - I have 8GB of ram, so I removed my Readyboost Thumb Drive.
2. Customer Swap File - I set my Swap File to a stadic 12186 min 12186 max (the amount recommended by Windows)
These two changes really reduced the HD activity upon boot.
Also, one of my 32bit applications used to report a low-disk-space error every time I opened it. That went away too. I think ReadyBoost confused that app.
I found a way to reduce the HD activity to what I consider normal.
1. Removed my ReadyBoost Drive - I have 8GB of ram, so I removed my Readyboost Thumb Drive.
2. Customer Swap File - I set my Swap File to a stadic 12186 min 12186 max (the amount recommended by Windows)
These two changes really reduced the HD activity upon boot.
Also, one of my 32bit applications used to report a low-disk-space error every time I opened it. That went away too. I think ReadyBoost confused that app.