Under c:\users user accounts show up, but not "luser". "luser" is my main account
If I go to users in command prompt and start at C: then > cd users. I end up at C:\users and then I type > CD luser I get ( C:\users\luser> ) and then I can do a dir and get access to many directories and so on. But why did it "luser" dissapear in the first place and can I make it reappear in the /user directory from the GUI ? Using windows explorer ?
I appreciate any response on how to do this. It does seem, and I am not absolutely sure, that my user name has been translated to a long sequence like
( I made up that alphanumeric sequence to show an example thats not the actual one). I don't even remember how I discovered it. But mostly I want to be able to see my main account show up again in the /user folder.
Again any help on this I greatly appreciate.
If I go to users in command prompt and start at C: then > cd users. I end up at C:\users and then I type > CD luser I get ( C:\users\luser> ) and then I can do a dir and get access to many directories and so on. But why did it "luser" dissapear in the first place and can I make it reappear in the /user directory from the GUI ? Using windows explorer ?
I appreciate any response on how to do this. It does seem, and I am not absolutely sure, that my user name has been translated to a long sequence like
( I made up that alphanumeric sequence to show an example thats not the actual one). I don't even remember how I discovered it. But mostly I want to be able to see my main account show up again in the /user folder.
Again any help on this I greatly appreciate.