Hey All,
I'm hoping someone here can help me - I'll try and be specific as I can, however though I generally know my way around a computer I'm by no means an expert.
I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium, 32-bit SP1
Okay. Onto the problem. Somehow I've managed to create two (or more?) desktops (not just shortcut icons or copies). I don't know How, or When, so experimenting with "restore" times is kind of a moot point.
One I assume is at the regular path, accessible through "my computer" on the left hand side under "folders". I can't get it's exact path because if I right-click on it and go to "properties" it opens up "Control Panel>Personalization". Opening the "desktop" via that path shows the icons/shortcuts I currently have on my "visual desktop". ("Visual Desktop = the desktop I see on my screen). If I add a new folder to my "Visual Desktop", this is where it shows up, not in any of the following locations.
Another one is accessible through my user account name after I open up "computer" under desktop (path: C:\Users\*username). The files shown here are various shortcuts, none of which are actually on my "visual desktop".
Yet another one - the one that brought this entire problem to my attention - is accessible under my videos folder. Anyway, if I open the "Desktop" via this path, it shows one shortcut as well as one folder, both of which are on my "visual desktop".
This whole problem came to my attention when I was attempting to delete a folder in my videos. Obviously I can't delete it the typical way (right-click, delete) because my "desktop" is in use...I also tried removing the directory in command prompt (accessed through the start menu), though I'm not sure why since my desktop is still obviously "in use". (That was a Duh moment). Command prompt didn't come up with an error (file is in use/not accessbile) but simply didn't remove it.
I've thought about booting up in DOS and deleting it that way, however I'm concerned for two reasons:
1) Is this seriously going to mess up Vista/My desktop? and
2) Assuming DOS is successful and doesn't screw up Vista/Desktop: If I've (somehow, unknowingly) altered the default path for "Desktop" will I ultimately re-create the desktop icon in my videos folder the next time I add/alter my desktop?
So, my ultimate questions are;
1) How do I ensure the desktop path is correct (and what IS the correct path?)?
2) Is there a different way to go about deleting the "desktop" in my videos folder, other than DOS? and if not:
3) What are the chances I'm going to screw up my system?
I *really* don't want to reinstall Windows as a solution unless absolutely necessary.
Anyways, thanks for bearing with me in this super-long post. I've tried to be as detailed as possible but if you need more information just let me know.
I'm hoping someone here can help me - I'll try and be specific as I can, however though I generally know my way around a computer I'm by no means an expert.
I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium, 32-bit SP1
Okay. Onto the problem. Somehow I've managed to create two (or more?) desktops (not just shortcut icons or copies). I don't know How, or When, so experimenting with "restore" times is kind of a moot point.
One I assume is at the regular path, accessible through "my computer" on the left hand side under "folders". I can't get it's exact path because if I right-click on it and go to "properties" it opens up "Control Panel>Personalization". Opening the "desktop" via that path shows the icons/shortcuts I currently have on my "visual desktop". ("Visual Desktop = the desktop I see on my screen). If I add a new folder to my "Visual Desktop", this is where it shows up, not in any of the following locations.
Another one is accessible through my user account name after I open up "computer" under desktop (path: C:\Users\*username). The files shown here are various shortcuts, none of which are actually on my "visual desktop".
Yet another one - the one that brought this entire problem to my attention - is accessible under my videos folder. Anyway, if I open the "Desktop" via this path, it shows one shortcut as well as one folder, both of which are on my "visual desktop".
This whole problem came to my attention when I was attempting to delete a folder in my videos. Obviously I can't delete it the typical way (right-click, delete) because my "desktop" is in use...I also tried removing the directory in command prompt (accessed through the start menu), though I'm not sure why since my desktop is still obviously "in use". (That was a Duh moment). Command prompt didn't come up with an error (file is in use/not accessbile) but simply didn't remove it.
I've thought about booting up in DOS and deleting it that way, however I'm concerned for two reasons:
1) Is this seriously going to mess up Vista/My desktop? and
2) Assuming DOS is successful and doesn't screw up Vista/Desktop: If I've (somehow, unknowingly) altered the default path for "Desktop" will I ultimately re-create the desktop icon in my videos folder the next time I add/alter my desktop?
So, my ultimate questions are;
1) How do I ensure the desktop path is correct (and what IS the correct path?)?
2) Is there a different way to go about deleting the "desktop" in my videos folder, other than DOS? and if not:
3) What are the chances I'm going to screw up my system?
I *really* don't want to reinstall Windows as a solution unless absolutely necessary.
Anyways, thanks for bearing with me in this super-long post. I've tried to be as detailed as possible but if you need more information just let me know.
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