Solved Help Needed How to Acces MY Pictures Folder


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Vista Home Premium will not allow me to acces the applications/my Pictures folder, i get an access denied message, how do I get around this, or save screenshots to a different location?

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Are you talking about the "Pictures" folder or the "My Pictures" folder?

"My Pictures" only exists to maintain compability with older Windows

The Pictures folder can normally be accessed via Start > Computer, and then in the Navigation Panel (left hand side) you should see your login name, expand this and you should then see a Pictures folder. Apologies if you already know all this!

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under c:\users\cathy\my documents--or my picturess i cannot accces it nor can I change the security permissions to allow full controll. I keep getting "access denied"

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under c:\users\cathy\my documents--or my picturess i cannot accces it nor can I change the security permissions to allow full controll. I keep getting "access denied"

The My Documents folder (and by extension, the My Pictures folder) are no longer used. The only reason they exist in Vista is because programs written for XP (or generically, older versions of Windows) might reference these folders

However, under C:\Users\Cathy there should be a Pictures folder. You can paste your screen shots in there

Screen shots aren't saved anywhere until you paste them somewhere ... and that can be anywhere you choose ... doesn't have to be the Pictures folder

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so if I press the printscreen button or whatever button I use for screenshots, where does it end up in the root directiory of "c' dirve?

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so if I press the printscreen button or whatever button I use for screenshots, where does it end up in the root directiory of "c' dirve?

It doesn't end up in c drive immediately. It's just stored in memory until you paste it somewhere, which would typically be inside a graphics program (like Paint .. though there are a lot better) or Word, or something similar (in a new email, for example). You then save the image or document wherever you like

So printscreen (or PrtScn is often what is on the button) stores the screen in memory (btw, Alt + PrtScn just captures the active window) and then you can go to an application to paste it. As far as I know, and as far as my quick tests have been able to confirm, you can't paste directly into the Pictures folder without pasting the image into an application and using Save As first

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cool, no worries

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