When planning to reformat any factory Fat32 primary as they usually ship for use on both Windows and Mac with the software help you would reformat to not from NTFS 5.0 from the original Fat volume if strictly running Windows. Fat simply makes it cross platform for use with Mac there as well as Windows especially when running 98-ME, 2K, or later with 98 seeing usb introduced for the desktop for the most part there.
Once reformatted to NTFS the one constant you will tend to see when plugging any external hard drive in(usb only) while booted in Windows is the auto play popup that you simply close out. The same is seen with usb flash drives when first detected by Windows while the drive letter you may have intentionally assigned remains the same for those. The letter for usb hard drives on the other hand can change fast when unplugging and replugging is seen.
Wow you are all awesome, can i jump in here for a minute?
I am having a similar problem and it is getting on my last nerve. I have had a Iomega potable HD for a long time with no problems, and I needed more storage and i went an bought a new Desktop USB/sata external HD a Iomega 1TB last sunday.
Installed it without a hitch, formatted it NTFS, split it in two, assigned drive letters X: and Y: moved back up over to one half, moved music and pics over to the other half. All good.
Since then I have rebooted and when looking for the drive in My Computer not there, check the disk manager, not there. Unplug the drive from USB, plug it back in, not there. Turn off the laptop, unplug the HD turn on the laptop, sign in, wait for load to finish, plug in the HD and BLAMMO there it is. What the heck is going on? who knows? reboot and its gone again, boot into windows 7 beta not there. repeat the same process and there it is again. What do you fellow geeks think?
Really bums me out, because I haven't had this issue at all with the other drive and now I am totally worried that one of these times its just not going work and i will have to go throught a long disc recovery process..... again.
I appreciate any input. Thanks all!