After reformatting my hard drive, suddenly to my great joy, I cannot play any avi files. Can someone point to the fix for this, or a particular codec that I'm supposed to download. Help appreciated. Thanks!
The codec you need will be specific to the avi file, there isn't one that covers them all. If you only want to install the specific codec you need for that one particular video, you can use GSpot Codec Information Appliance to determine what it is, and download and install just that one. If you'd like a codec package that will catch you up to date on just about every codec you might need I suggest Shark007's Codecs Homepage or, the simplest thing to do would be to use VideoLAN - Free and Open Source software and video streaming solutions for every OS! which has all the codecs built right in, no need to install them individually, or as packs.
Thanks for the advice. I installed the Vista Codecs and Media player is playing each of the avi files that I've tried.
Zoloft, you suggest Shark007's Codecs Homepage and the VideoLAN ... if one should install either of those, would you suggest uninstalling the Vista Codecs?
Also, what is your and mansrm81's view of K-lite Codecs?
Shark's codec package is the same one that mansrm81directed you to. I just gave you the homepage, he gave you the direct link. I use both the Vista Codec Pack and VLC player. As for the k-lite codec pack, I used that exclusively when I was on XP, but, when I got the new Vista computer, I chose the Shark one because it was designed specifically for Vista.
I used them on my xp machine the last time I downloaded them and they were alright for me. Also videolan will play everything cause that includes the codecs too.