New Member
Ever since March 3rd, 2009, every time I plug in my MANHATTAN WP5540 graphics tablet, WISPTIS.EXE crashes with the Problem Event Name of "APPCRASH." It was 1:42PM when I plugged in my tablet (Atlantic Standard Time.)
I am running Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 x64.
For applications, I only installed Firefox 3.1 beta 2, and for Windows Updates the last time that I installed any (major) updates was February 27th, 2009, and I don't believe that I've plugged my tablet in after that until the 3rd.
I am running Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 x64.
For applications, I only installed Firefox 3.1 beta 2, and for Windows Updates the last time that I installed any (major) updates was February 27th, 2009, and I don't believe that I've plugged my tablet in after that until the 3rd.