Hi, i have some problems about choosing the arquitechture.
I have:
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86 Ghz
3 Gb RAM (DDR2)
Nvidie Geforce 7200 Gs (256 Mb DDR2)
256 Gb Hard Drive
And i want to install Windows Vista Ultimate and try Windows 7. I have read some thread about arquitechture but i cant solve the problem. I dont know what to install, if x64 or x86 or x32.
I dont use a lot of games (1 or 2), only i want to use my computer for internet, music, video, some programs like photoshop...
Can someone tell me how to fix the problem?
thanks for all!
PD: and, is there any problem if i install a program x86 in the folder "program files" instead of "program files(x86)"?
I have:
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86 Ghz
3 Gb RAM (DDR2)
Nvidie Geforce 7200 Gs (256 Mb DDR2)
256 Gb Hard Drive
And i want to install Windows Vista Ultimate and try Windows 7. I have read some thread about arquitechture but i cant solve the problem. I dont know what to install, if x64 or x86 or x32.
I dont use a lot of games (1 or 2), only i want to use my computer for internet, music, video, some programs like photoshop...
Can someone tell me how to fix the problem?
thanks for all!
PD: and, is there any problem if i install a program x86 in the folder "program files" instead of "program files(x86)"?
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