i installed vista on a hard drive in my computer. i then removed the hard drive and put it into another computer. when i returned to my original computer, the one i installed it from, it now no longer starts. it powers on all fans go but no bios no nothing starts. i no this is common when the motherboard is shot but i mean..please tell me thats not wat it is i was careful in the removal process i dont no where something couldve gone wrong?
How good are you at building computers?
The fastest way to solve your problem is to strip the computer down into conponent parts.
If it has onboard graphics then use that instead of an add on card.
Dont use an add on graphics card.
Only use one stick of ram (unless duel or tripple channel)
Disconnect all hard drives and cd drives etc.
Only have the keyboard connected (not the mouse)
connect the monitor and psu
Boot up pressing the del key.
If this works then your mobo is ok and it is time to power down and add another item one at a time.
Power down add an item power up. (I think you get the idea).
This is the only way I know to test the conponents of a computer apart from taking it to a shop.
yea thanks alot guys i already started doing the computer shreddin and removed the disk and video card nothing yet now ill do the rest. ill post again after ive shredded it down to minimum. if only it was my weaker not the good one with so much in it
and yea its plugged in it starts up as if its going to start but then it just stays the way it is never beeps and loads bios just sits there and **** my life off lol
hard drives toast i replaced it with another one and its working but the color is all weird and yellowy?
Colour problems are normally down to a faulty cable. Check with another monitor.
Move the monitor away from any power sources.
Degause the monitor.
Try a different cable.
Does it produce the yellowy effect in the bios or just in windows.
Did it have this effect before you stripped down the computer?
Have you checked the seating of the graphics card if you are using one?
yep happening on bios too all yellow and black bios looks as if it was supposed to look like that and windows looks like puke. i reseated the graphics card im using an ati 4850 but i havent got a chance to install the drivers yet could that be something? ill try another monitor too thanks again for the reply
Has your mobo got onboard graphics? If so try that.
As an afterthought have you got a speaker connected to your mobo. If not connect one, that way if you computer does not boot in the future you may get beep codes to tell you what is wrong.
If your graphics card can output to a tv try that. (Saves you having to hunt around for another monitor).
I doubt that the colour issue is down to drivers but this is not 100%.
thanks for more help and yea i tried the onboard graphics and the card and still all yellowy havent got the chance to test the other monitor as it was in use all day but ill have to give that a whirl when i get the chance. yea see i wasnt sure about the drivers either i mean i havent got any of the ati drivers/mobo/monitor drivers installed yet since i had the hdd collapse, but i mean it was literally all fine one minute, then when i restarded it had all gone yellow