VISTA takes a few seconds more or less than 20 minutes to be ready to use each time my computer is powered up or VISTA is restarted.
Under the Task Manager, Services Tab during that 20 minutes, LanmanServer is in "Starting" mode while other services are Running or Stopped. Also the connection icon in the lower right corner of the screen has a red X. After 20 minutes LanmanServer runs, the red X becomes a blue circle and the system becomes fully functional.
Use Regedit in administrator mode to:
1) Change entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Spooler. Click on "DependsOnService". Add three separate lines:
2) Change entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetLogon.
Double click "DependsOnService" entry and find the "LanmanWorkstation" line and delete it. If you don't see a "LanmanServer" line add it.
My system had both entries.
3) Click OK and exit the Registry Editor. Restart your computer. The 20 minute delay on start up problem should be gone.
From research I have done this problem with LanmanServer hanging has been experienced in earlier Windows Operating Systems. I think it may occur when certain applications are installed or uninstalled and improper Registry modifications result. I lived with this problem for a year before finding the solution. Microsoft's Knowledge Base and Older Geeks Hacks & Fixes sites were helpful in making the registry modifications that resulted in the fix.
VISTA takes a few seconds more or less than 20 minutes to be ready to use each time my computer is powered up or VISTA is restarted.
Under the Task Manager, Services Tab during that 20 minutes, LanmanServer is in "Starting" mode while other services are Running or Stopped. Also the connection icon in the lower right corner of the screen has a red X. After 20 minutes LanmanServer runs, the red X becomes a blue circle and the system becomes fully functional.
Use Regedit in administrator mode to:
1) Change entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Spooler. Click on "DependsOnService". Add three separate lines:
2) Change entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetLogon.
Double click "DependsOnService" entry and find the "LanmanWorkstation" line and delete it. If you don't see a "LanmanServer" line add it.
My system had both entries.
3) Click OK and exit the Registry Editor. Restart your computer. The 20 minute delay on start up problem should be gone.
From research I have done this problem with LanmanServer hanging has been experienced in earlier Windows Operating Systems. I think it may occur when certain applications are installed or uninstalled and improper Registry modifications result. I lived with this problem for a year before finding the solution. Microsoft's Knowledge Base and Older Geeks Hacks & Fixes sites were helpful in making the registry modifications that resulted in the fix.