Hello all (especally Brink!),
I have gotten the following message twice over the past two months: c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop refers to a location that is unavailable... I then would simply restart Vista (Home Premium) and all would be okay.
What would be causing this? Nothing has changed on my system. Is this indicating that something catastophic is about to happen?!
I have read the tutorial on how to restore missing folders. Fortunately I'm not at that point yet. Any insight and suggestions for preventive maintenance would be greatly appreciated.
I have gotten the following message twice over the past two months: c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop refers to a location that is unavailable... I then would simply restart Vista (Home Premium) and all would be okay.
What would be causing this? Nothing has changed on my system. Is this indicating that something catastophic is about to happen?!
I have read the tutorial on how to restore missing folders. Fortunately I'm not at that point yet. Any insight and suggestions for preventive maintenance would be greatly appreciated.