Have you ever heard the expretion "Oh my...Country kids going to town". Well...Country kid is here!
Hi, I am very new to all this and kinda nurves. Hope I am doing this right. I have a laptop with Vista...recently got me a little virus "360"? or one of those Trojan dudes came over play without mom's permission. Got in lots of trouble!!! Anyway, I think I've got it all off but I am thinking that it needs to be defragged. Yes? No? Last night I decided to go ahead and start defragging. This morning it was still on the screen looking just like it did last night. I thought well stupid! did you click start? So I started it again...not sure what its doing? Know thinking maybe 360 or Trojan didn't go home like I asked them tooooo. Maybe?? I have ran all the disk clean ups and I use McAfee, they say the coast is clear. Here's were you guys come in...I was reading about installing Auslogics Disk Defrag and Auslogics Boost Speed. Do you thing this is something I should do or need??? I would really like you input on this matter and also would like to thank you for listening.
Ok, just one more I promise...will defragging make it run faster? Or what can I do to make it run faster after I use the Spyware? Ok, sorry that's two! Thanks
No you don't need to turn off your firewall. Defragging your computer will speed up the opening of files and programs cause they are all put together and not all over your hard drive. Auslogics defrag program works really good.
You asked for oppinions so - you waste time using 3rd party defraggers but if you absolutely demand some sort of GUI with bars and such then go for it. That is the one big advantage over boring invisible Vista defrag. May be check out how Vistas defrag works - also answers the question of yes or no to defrag - unless you have turned it off you have been defragging since day 1.
Paid boosting software is just as useful. What is it you expect to get from it? What cant you do without?
Power Defragmenter is a simple GUI for a tool by Sysinternals which is meant only for single files, not whole disks/folders. So it is like an anti-systemdefrag tool. Works much the same way as Defraggler
I think you could have a problem going from thinking infection is gone to wanting 3rd party defragger. May be Mcafee removed it all, may be only some. I would use Malwarebytes instead of S&D, Ad-Aware - but anything else than what did not catch infection in the first place is useful.
Be sure you turn off S&Ds resident parts during or after installation btw.
It's not that I demand to see bars and things and I know it is suppose to run at the time you set it. I didn' know if it was effected by the virus because it still looked the same as when I left it that night. That was the first time I had manully started it and did'nt know what it looked like. Yes, I sure hope Mr. McAfee got it all...I just want to know I had done all I can do to keep my computer clean. Hope I explained it right. Thank you dk70...and yes I need you opinions!! Thanks again
Power Defragmenter is a simple GUI for a tool by Sysinternals which is meant only for single files, not whole disks/folders. So it is like an anti-systemdefrag tool.
However, the software does offer the option to defrag a file / folder / drive. So I would have thought this was OK...
To be honest I had Vista defragmenter turned off as the first time I tried to defrag manually it just sat there defragging for hours. I had to stop it in the end so I could do some work....