Errors with Advanced System Care 3 when cleaning/repairing/defragging.
When cleaning/repairing Registry I get down to a handful of errors after repeated scans.
When defragging Registry I'm getting divide by 0 errors.
How can I repair my System Registry.
HPavilion DV9260 US
Intel T7200 2.00 Ghz.
Ram 2046
Nvidia GeForce Go 7600
Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit version.
34 plus gigs free disk space.
Run system file checker. If it doesn't work you could try a system restore. I'd be careful as to what registry entries you're deleting with ASC, they might be important. ASC has a restore feature to undo changes but I had no luck with it. I had problems with that program. You can try CCleaner or Glary Utilites instead. I use Glary and don't have any problems but that's up to you.