Vista 64-bit. New to vista (from xp). Been working with vista for about a week trying to get things going after transferring files from xp. Up until just moments ago, I could have sworn that documents & settings existed on the c root. Here's what happened. I needed to find some files and worked in Folder Options to unselect hide extensions and hide protected operating system files. I got an alert that this may cause a problem, but ignored it (as this operation was recommended by a trusted source). So, after do all this, I noted that D/S and several other folders were now shortcuts. When clicking on these short cuts, I got access denied. I then did a restore to an earlier date and when I went back to the c root, d/s and the other noted short cuts had disappeared. BTW, I ahve undone what I did in Folder Options, but to no avail. Also, I have seen post that say one doesn't need D/S. I find all this very confusing as I had these folders and now I don't. Any ideas what's happening? Thanks.