Hello, and greetings to all.
Uhm, I don't really know if this is the right place to post this but...here goes...
1st problem: IE8 and Firefox+DEP(Data Execution Prevention)=Fail
Well, i don't know when it started but when I was on the internet, particularly Youtube.com, and Firefox suddenly failed but it was not caused by DEP. So I go to the new overhauled IE8 with default DEP and stuff and DEP closes it on all kinds of sites. Erm...is it just me? Is it Youtube? Should I disable DEP?
2nd problem: autorun.exe
Problem 2 Solved: I right click on autorun.exe and checked off Run as Admin in the compatibility tab. yeehee...but im wondering, how'd that happen? i mean it worked fine the day before...
Uhm, last night there was a Windows Update, and it required me to restart my computer, but after i restarted, i went to sleep. When i got home i inserted a disc, Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, and the autoplay screen showed up (The windows autoplay, not the in-disc one) and i clicked run autoplay.exe. But nothing showed up, so i checked the disc and autorun.exe only works when I right click the file and run it as administrator. So, i checked my other discs, Warcraft 3 seems fine, and i can run its autorun.exe. I can also run the RCT3 game using the desktop shortcut. I don't know what happened but i hope you can help me even with the limited info i have presented. If you need any additional info just tell me in this thread. Please and Thank you in advance.
My first post,
Uhm, I don't really know if this is the right place to post this but...here goes...
1st problem: IE8 and Firefox+DEP(Data Execution Prevention)=Fail
Well, i don't know when it started but when I was on the internet, particularly Youtube.com, and Firefox suddenly failed but it was not caused by DEP. So I go to the new overhauled IE8 with default DEP and stuff and DEP closes it on all kinds of sites. Erm...is it just me? Is it Youtube? Should I disable DEP?
2nd problem: autorun.exe
Problem 2 Solved: I right click on autorun.exe and checked off Run as Admin in the compatibility tab. yeehee...but im wondering, how'd that happen? i mean it worked fine the day before...
Uhm, last night there was a Windows Update, and it required me to restart my computer, but after i restarted, i went to sleep. When i got home i inserted a disc, Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, and the autoplay screen showed up (The windows autoplay, not the in-disc one) and i clicked run autoplay.exe. But nothing showed up, so i checked the disc and autorun.exe only works when I right click the file and run it as administrator. So, i checked my other discs, Warcraft 3 seems fine, and i can run its autorun.exe. I can also run the RCT3 game using the desktop shortcut. I don't know what happened but i hope you can help me even with the limited info i have presented. If you need any additional info just tell me in this thread. Please and Thank you in advance.
My first post,
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