I had to scrap a laptop and used the O/S installation disc to upgrade my desktop from XP to Vista Home Premium. This has been a disaster and I am getting warning messages of programs stopped working. These include
ASUS Control Centre
Instant Write Control Centre
Gateway Service
PML driver
Live Update Engine Com Module
Tray Starter
Windows Explorer is intermittent
I cannot access the Internet and my DVD drive does not respond
A disaster!!!!
It seems that I would be better reverting to XP - which I am happy with. How can I do this bearing in mind that my DVD/CD does not work and I cannot access the internet.
I may say I use Vista on my desktop at the office and on a new laptop I purchased and I am happy with these.
I had to scrap a laptop and used the O/S installation disc to upgrade my desktop from XP to Vista Home Premium. This has been a disaster and I am getting warning messages of programs stopped working.
There are those dreaded words again, was it an UPGRADE, or did you format your HDD and do a clean install.?
Many people have had trouble with the upgrades disks.
Not being particularly computer literate I merely ran the installation disk. I did not format my HDD in preparation. I did not do a custom installation.
Looking at the product key it does not contain the letters OEM so I take it that this is a retail version which can be installed in another computer. I have decided to do a clean install having saved on a flash drive my data files and drivers.
A bit of a basic question I suppose but is there a difference between an upgrade and an initial install disk?
I don't have much of the documentation for the previous laptop other than the Vista disk and haven't tried to contact the laptop manufacturer for the chipset drivers.
Where are you looking at the key because it's when it's installed on the machine that it puts the OEM if it's preinstalled.
A retail version can just be installed on a hard drive but an upgrade needs a version to upgrade from either already installed or by showing it the CD of a previous OS when installing the upgrade.
I was looking at the sticker with the note of the key. Vista came pre-installed so it looks like it is OEM. Probably I should forget the previous installation disk and go out and buy an upgrade from XP to Vista. Quicker and cleaner in the long run.
Just to double check what version, be it OEM or Retail hit WIN+Pause/Break key. Down the bottom in the windows activation area, if you see OEM in your product ID, then it's an OEM version.