I'd like to know were/how I can find in my VISTA home premium, a file containing, at least, the time of log-in (and log-out) from different users defined in my computer.
thanks for your quick reply.
I'd like to know if there are a place with all the log-in/out informations related to last period (a week, a months,...) non only last log-in.
You can look at the Event Viewer (type Windows + R to get Run dialog box, then type EVENTVWR.MSC and hit Enter) and then click on Windows Logs -> Security in the left pane. Logon events are event ID 4624 and logoff events are ID 4634. When you click on Filter current log in the right pane, you can enter those two events separated by comma in the <All Event IDs> field of the window that opens up, in order to show just those events.
Many thanks for your reply...it is of good interest, but I'm asking to find log-in/out informations related to last period (a week, a months,...) with the name of USER defined in my computers, who has logged in/out, not SYSTEMS functions.