Help, I just recently installed vista ultimate x32 on our office's desktop computer and I noticed that the aero theme doesn't enabled, I tried to enabled it in personalization> visual style, and I only saw vista basic and vista standard visual styles, but I want to have the vista aero visual style. the base score is 1.o according to desktop experience, and I thought, maybe my video card cannot handle aero theme. Because I just only have an old video card, nvidia geforce mx4 series 128mb, and maybe that would be the problem because it doesnt support any shader, etc it doesnt have WDDM driver, which aero theme requires... there any way to cheat around to force my system and video card to enable aero desktop experience?? HELP!
I'm sorry but the Nvidia GeForce mx4 series does not support Windows Aero. There is no way to make it to work so that Aero would be enabled. The only option is to upgrade to a graphics card that supports Vista and the Windows Aero feature.
The TIP box at the top of this link below will help show you the requirements for Windows Aero.