Hey guys
i was just wondering how long you can keep your pc on without the processor over-heating or getting damage or....stuff like that. i'm using a pc with an intel core 2 duo 2.4Ghz (E4600), 3gb ddr2 ram and an sata hard drive(250gb). now will any these components get overheated if i keep my pc on for a long time like 3-4 days in a row?
and also could ya tell me what is the longest time you kept your pc or laptop on?
Well my computer has been on for a solid few months in a Row. I've shut it down once or twice for changing things. or what not. but other then that mine is on 24/7 granted I do sleep at night. sometimes. lol and at night it goes to sleep like I do.
For one all computers enemy is heat. Get a few 120mm Fans and add them to the case if you can. that's a great start. Could you tell us what you have. is it custom build.. a HP. or something like that. did you build it yourself.?
if you could go to User CP at the top of page. and edit system specs and fill out as much as you can. thats a good start also.
It's always good to have a program to watch and monitor your temps. I'd recommend getting this. Core Temp
I run that all the time. starts up minimized to system trey. you don't need it all the time though. but thats a good start. check temps on CPU. see what they are at. just to be safe.
and your question are you meaning like your system will be on for 24 hours.. ALL day for 3 or 4 days or something. that is ok, but might not want to always, always do that. Also computers, Motherboards. and the processors have things to warn and shutdown computer before they overheat. it can still happen but they have censors to stop that from happening..
thnx for your advice.
you really hepled me out:D
i already have 2 120mm fans. one for the processor other for the hard drive. the temp. monitoring gadget really helps me out
Well the one fan on the CPU doesn't count as it's only cooling that. and the other one is cooling HD's huh.. how. is it mounted on the front. blowing on them? that works. if you can get one more I'd recommend it..
Thanks for the tip on Core Temp, Cory. I read somewhere that sucking the air out the back is much more efficient than blowing in through the front. The consensus was that blowing creates vortex's that cause heat pockets.