I have a dell xps m1330 with vista premium x64
intel core duo 2.0 Ghz
320Gb. HD
4gb RAM
and i'm experimenting an issue since i bought ir
i can't put to sleep my commputer! could you believe it?
but not ever, sometimes sleeps well, but others when i select sleep, the computers go to sleep but in a second start again, also i don't know if here is something like hibernate, like XP, if it's the option i don't find it yet. my power options sayd that the power botton is the one that active the hibernation, but when i press the power botton, the laptop go to sleep and sometimes wake up again
I have the SP! and the automatic updates, and my problem isn't solved
coud some of you, PLEASE, help me? :D
tank you very much
intel core duo 2.0 Ghz
320Gb. HD
4gb RAM
and i'm experimenting an issue since i bought ir
i can't put to sleep my commputer! could you believe it?
but not ever, sometimes sleeps well, but others when i select sleep, the computers go to sleep but in a second start again, also i don't know if here is something like hibernate, like XP, if it's the option i don't find it yet. my power options sayd that the power botton is the one that active the hibernation, but when i press the power botton, the laptop go to sleep and sometimes wake up again
I have the SP! and the automatic updates, and my problem isn't solved
coud some of you, PLEASE, help me? :D
tank you very much