I have a Lenovo T400 - T9400 (2.53 GHz C2D) - 4GB DDR3-1066 - Vista Business x64
How can I speed up my Vista boot time? Currently it takes between 75-85 seconds to boot into a usable state.
Once in Vista, my laptop is very fast, and I have no complaints.
I did a clean install of Vista.
I've already disabled many services and startup programs.
I did a bunch of little tweaks I found on different sites as well like disabling indexing, tmm, system restore.
The main thing that seems to be slowing the boot process is between the BIOS and login prompt.
There is a period of at least 15-20 seconds where the screen is black or barely doing anything before it jumps to login.
I tried going into the BIOS and making sure things are in order. I put the HD as the first boot device instead of CD (probably didn't save much time).
Is there something I can do to speed that time up?
How can I speed up my Vista boot time? Currently it takes between 75-85 seconds to boot into a usable state.
Once in Vista, my laptop is very fast, and I have no complaints.
I did a clean install of Vista.
I've already disabled many services and startup programs.
I did a bunch of little tweaks I found on different sites as well like disabling indexing, tmm, system restore.
The main thing that seems to be slowing the boot process is between the BIOS and login prompt.
There is a period of at least 15-20 seconds where the screen is black or barely doing anything before it jumps to login.
I tried going into the BIOS and making sure things are in order. I put the HD as the first boot device instead of CD (probably didn't save much time).
Is there something I can do to speed that time up?