I have windows vista home premium installed with service packs, and can see folders for .NET 3.0 and 3.5, I am told 3.0 is pre-installed with Vista. Yet when I look in IIS under a virtual web directory for available .NET frameworks, I only see choices of 1.0.. and 2.05.. I have been told 3.0 is merely an enhancement of 2.0, but then how could I build an app in 2.0 instead of 3.0? Also how can I choose Framework 3.5 which doesn't show up at all or is it also an enhancement of 2.0 and how could I tell? All these questions are from wanting to load OpenXML format SDK for Framework 3.0, which doesn't seem to be registering the DLL's from that SDK and I feel it is because I am not in the proper Framework, but in 2.0 instead.