Okay, my girlfriend is 100% locked out of her computer where she is running Vista Home edition (premium or basic or 32/64 bit I don't know off the top of my head). After boot up and it comes to the Window user account log-in screen, she types in her password as normal, but it's not working. It just says incorrect password...... We KNOW the password is correct (this just started out of the blue), NO one has access to her computer to change or edit the password either, and the reset password link (below the input box) just simply doesn't work. Her account is the only account on the computer and is considered the "Administrator" also. She has no viruses or spyware overload or hackers, or anything simply because her computer has never been on the internet before. Please, she's going away to college this next month and she NEEDS to be able to have a computer, not a $600 paper weight since she'll never be able to afford a replacement. Is this a common problem? If so, what's the remedy? We've tried this, but it hasn't worked for us like it does everyone else. It says that it works whenever we try it, but when we go to log in, it's in the same state as before; nothing REALLY changes Offline NT Password & Registry Editor