I installed a copy of Vista x64 Ultimate to try out on my machine because i have 4Gb of ram and windows XP doesn't recognize it
It installed on my AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ black edition no problem, but after it downloaded 42 updates i went into a BSOD loop. No matter what i did after that, i could not re-install XP on anyone of the 6 Hd's i had in my system. If i tried... BSOD.
I had no choice but to purchase yet another HD (which i didnt really need) just so i can use that as a singular connected drive to install XP on again.
Now then, most of my drives are now unreadable in XP and i get messages like this
an error occurred reading folder:
the volume does not contain a recognized file system.
please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded
and that the volume is not corrupted (1005)
I have even tried connecting said drives to USB/Firewire external enclosures to see if i can access files that way.
If i have lost over 2Tb of data on these drives just for installing vista, i will be looking for someone at MS to assassinate
please tell me there is a viable solution to this
It installed on my AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ black edition no problem, but after it downloaded 42 updates i went into a BSOD loop. No matter what i did after that, i could not re-install XP on anyone of the 6 Hd's i had in my system. If i tried... BSOD.
I had no choice but to purchase yet another HD (which i didnt really need) just so i can use that as a singular connected drive to install XP on again.
Now then, most of my drives are now unreadable in XP and i get messages like this
an error occurred reading folder:
the volume does not contain a recognized file system.
please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded
and that the volume is not corrupted (1005)
I have even tried connecting said drives to USB/Firewire external enclosures to see if i can access files that way.
If i have lost over 2Tb of data on these drives just for installing vista, i will be looking for someone at MS to assassinate
please tell me there is a viable solution to this