Just spotted this on some MSDN posts... Is there really better file-copy performance under VistaSP1 than XP-SP2?
WMP url: mms://mschnlnine.wmod.llnwd.net/a1809/d1/edge/9/0/0/1/Windows%20Vista%20against%20Windows%20XP-1.wmv
Direct Download: http://mschnlnine.vo.llnwd.net/d1/edge/9/0/0/1/Windows Vista against Windows XP-1.wmv
Blog Article: Windows Vista SP1 outperforms Windows XP SP2 in file copy | Media | TechNet Edgethis demo I show how Vista outperforms Windows XP and I show the under the covers process traces of just how it achieves it.
Demo environment consists of two images. One Vista SP1 and the other Windows XP SP2
WMP url: mms://mschnlnine.wmod.llnwd.net/a1809/d1/edge/9/0/0/1/Windows%20Vista%20against%20Windows%20XP-1.wmv
Direct Download: http://mschnlnine.vo.llnwd.net/d1/edge/9/0/0/1/Windows Vista against Windows XP-1.wmv