I'm looking for some help here. I'm running Vista Ultimate x64. It no longer enters sleep mode on its own. It used to. I can force it into sleep mode by clicking on the Vista Orb and selecting "Sleep". It won't do it on its own - which is what I want it to.
I've run through the Control Panel/Power Mgt troubleshooter on these forums. All my settings seemed to be correct. Using the CMD prompt and powercfg -devicequery wake_armed yields one device: my logitech g15 keyboard. (Using powercfg -a shows that the only sleep state available is S3. That is correct for my motherboard, an Abit IP 35 pro.)
If forced into sleep, the keyboard will wake it up.
The problem, again, centers on the automatic sleep entrance. Currently set for 1 hour of idle.
It seems to me that the machine never thinks it's idle. Is that where I should start? Finding processes which are running in the background?
I'd appreciate any help.
I'm looking for some help here. I'm running Vista Ultimate x64. It no longer enters sleep mode on its own. It used to. I can force it into sleep mode by clicking on the Vista Orb and selecting "Sleep". It won't do it on its own - which is what I want it to.
I've run through the Control Panel/Power Mgt troubleshooter on these forums. All my settings seemed to be correct. Using the CMD prompt and powercfg -devicequery wake_armed yields one device: my logitech g15 keyboard. (Using powercfg -a shows that the only sleep state available is S3. That is correct for my motherboard, an Abit IP 35 pro.)
If forced into sleep, the keyboard will wake it up.
The problem, again, centers on the automatic sleep entrance. Currently set for 1 hour of idle.
It seems to me that the machine never thinks it's idle. Is that where I should start? Finding processes which are running in the background?
I'd appreciate any help.