Autopatcher has released an alternative to users having difficulty using Windows Update... » Downloads » Downloads
First off, let me start off by telling everybody that the AutoPatcher project is alive and well. Along with the AutoPatcher comes AutoPatcher Updater aka APUP which will download all modules from our web server and all updates directly from Microsoft. We are still working out the bugs within APUP so please be patient with the development phase. For more information, known bugs, and a download link, check out the forums!
AutoPatcher for Vista is compatible with Vista x86 and x64
- This release is for post SP1 which all SP0 updates have been removed. There is no need to keep these since the previous release was for English only
- For languages that SP1 has not been released for, all updates thus far are compatible with SP0.
- Even though this release can be used for any language, not all translations will be present. I will be creating a thread soon for translators to update future modules