Hi, in Vista icons size (Taskbar, Explorer) are a problem. They are too small or too large.
Only desktop icons size is customizable at will.
How can I set OTHER icons sizes in Vista?
In Windows XP I can set simply the wanted sizes editing 2 strings in the registry key:
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\Windowmetrics
Shell Icon Size (for big icons)
Shell Small Icon Size (for small icons)
But in Vista ? How can I set sizes of small and big icons?
Thank you very much
Only desktop icons size is customizable at will.
How can I set OTHER icons sizes in Vista?
In Windows XP I can set simply the wanted sizes editing 2 strings in the registry key:
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\Windowmetrics
Shell Icon Size (for big icons)
Shell Small Icon Size (for small icons)
But in Vista ? How can I set sizes of small and big icons?
Thank you very much