I'll admit, Im picky, but people like modding their cases, I like to have a fast, smooth system.
My rig:
Quadcore 3ghz QX6850
Asus motherboard (forget the model #)
8GB DDR2 RAM @ 800mhz
2 500GB HD's
1 150GB "boot" drive
1 10000k rpm 35GB Raptor drive.
2 x 800gtx in SLI mode
The "problem" - Vista boot times. The fastest Ive ever managed to get it was 25 seconds, thats from the moment you see the green bar, to the moment the desktop appears. Ive all features on (effects etc) along with the sidebar, resolution is 1290 (?) x 1080 on a 50" plasma TV.
Now granted, 25 seconds isnt long to wait, however what I DONT understand is how my girlfriends Sony Vaio laptop (around 1.5ghz dualcore, 1GB RAM) loads Vista (all be it 32bit) in 19 seconds.
Surely having 8GB RAM means faster boot times?
I originally thought that my RAM was too slow (533mhz) so upgraded to 800mhz (fastest I can go) but no effect.
I then read about Raptor drives being FAST, so installed one purely for the OS, it makes marginal difference.
Ive altererd the boot to show 4 processors, timeout delay 3 seconds, nothing to be started at startup.
Ive even installed a stripped down version of Vista 64 HomePremium, taking out loads of things I dont use, again doesnt make that much of a difference.
Ive heard of others getting their system to load (with the same config as mine) in 12 seconds?!!
Again, yes this is truly, truly picky, but hoep someone can shed some light on this forum as to why a system 4 times faster and more powerfull.. takes longer to boot up?
Looking forward to your replies.
My rig:
Quadcore 3ghz QX6850
Asus motherboard (forget the model #)
8GB DDR2 RAM @ 800mhz
2 500GB HD's
1 150GB "boot" drive
1 10000k rpm 35GB Raptor drive.
2 x 800gtx in SLI mode
The "problem" - Vista boot times. The fastest Ive ever managed to get it was 25 seconds, thats from the moment you see the green bar, to the moment the desktop appears. Ive all features on (effects etc) along with the sidebar, resolution is 1290 (?) x 1080 on a 50" plasma TV.
Now granted, 25 seconds isnt long to wait, however what I DONT understand is how my girlfriends Sony Vaio laptop (around 1.5ghz dualcore, 1GB RAM) loads Vista (all be it 32bit) in 19 seconds.
Surely having 8GB RAM means faster boot times?
I originally thought that my RAM was too slow (533mhz) so upgraded to 800mhz (fastest I can go) but no effect.
I then read about Raptor drives being FAST, so installed one purely for the OS, it makes marginal difference.
Ive altererd the boot to show 4 processors, timeout delay 3 seconds, nothing to be started at startup.
Ive even installed a stripped down version of Vista 64 HomePremium, taking out loads of things I dont use, again doesnt make that much of a difference.
Ive heard of others getting their system to load (with the same config as mine) in 12 seconds?!!
Again, yes this is truly, truly picky, but hoep someone can shed some light on this forum as to why a system 4 times faster and more powerfull.. takes longer to boot up?
Looking forward to your replies.