New Member
Just installed Vista Ultimate x64 and things seemed to be going ok until about an hour or so ago. Powered down to go out for a bit. Upon booting back up I get the login Icon (of which I am an administrator with password protect). I enter the password and I get into the computer. HOWEVER, whatever I click on - program, control panel, even to try and power down I get the following msg: "Windows cannot access the specified device,path or file you may not have the appropriate permissions to access this item." FUNNY, before I powered it down I could do all of this NOW I CAN'T. I clicked on the icon and it opened up another screen where I created another account and told it to make it an administrator with no pswd. Rebooted logged in using this account and still the same nonsense. HOW can I fix it to make it start working properly again????? I can't get the the UAC or control panel as it won't let me so I am in a circle??!! I had made a backup of the registry with ERUNT however, when I click on the program icon I get the above msg so I can't do the restore (in case its a registry problem). ANY HELP will be greatly appreciated..... THANKS!!