Re: How can I remove ALL the programs a filetype opens with?, Make a filetype not to
If I remember correctly, go to a .001 file, select it. Right-click on it and select "run with..." (or maybe it's "open with..."). In the window that pops up, select the program you want to run the .001 files. You can also browse to another program and select it to open the files. There should be a checkbox saying something like "Use this as the default program" or "Always open these files using this program". Make sure that checkBox is checked. I'm on a mac right now, so I can't look up the right procedure from here.
By the way, a file has to be opened by an associated program or by the operating system. It can't "open with nothing". A file that couldn't be opened wouldn't make any sense. If you want to make it so that when you double-click on the file nothing happens, then that will involve custom editing the registry most likely. Unfortunately, that's not a simple matter and I wouldn't know how to explain it. Even a file not associated with any program when double-clicked will activate something; it activates the operating system to open up a window asking you to pick a program to open the file with.
I hope I have been clear and correct and helpful.