It would be easier for users of Vista to refer to discussions on specific topics if all the Forums are listed as Microdsoft Newsgroups. Taking into account the fact that there are already some Newsgroups for Vista, it becomes a duplicate effort to collate all the comments on a given Vista topic from the Forums and the newsgroups.
The Forums also make life miserable by giving the time of posting a message as "so many hours or days or weeks in history". The Newsgroup method of giving the exact date and time when the message was posted makes it easy to search for a message. I also find that the Search function works far more efficiently in Newsgroups as compared with the Forums. The forum search draws a blank most of the times, whereas Newsgroup Search is successful most of the times.
So why not add all the forums to the Newsgroups with the standard prefix of
Besides, Outlook Express is far better organized for viewing discussions as conversations than the Forum organization.
P. Jayant
The Forums also make life miserable by giving the time of posting a message as "so many hours or days or weeks in history". The Newsgroup method of giving the exact date and time when the message was posted makes it easy to search for a message. I also find that the Search function works far more efficiently in Newsgroups as compared with the Forums. The forum search draws a blank most of the times, whereas Newsgroup Search is successful most of the times.
So why not add all the forums to the Newsgroups with the standard prefix of
Besides, Outlook Express is far better organized for viewing discussions as conversations than the Forum organization.
P. Jayant