[I might have posted this in the wrong Forum before-no replies]
I have searched this site and cannot find this error anywhere.
I am trying to do a Vista 64 Complete PC Restore and get this error message.
(I am using the exact same hard drive/computer-everything)
The Windows Complete Restore Operation Failed.
Windows cannot restore a backup that was created on a different computer architecture. The backup was created on a computer with a different architecture (x64) than this computer (x86).
I have my 500gb partitioned c:vista 64 Ultimate & d:xp-pro
I have not changed anything.
I really only want to restore the d:xp-pro.
I have 19 DVDs from the Complete PC Backup.
I am hoping to fix this today...
Thanks in advance.
P.S. The reason I want to restore my D:XP-PRO drive is because, while in the c:Vista 64 operating system, I wanted to view a file on the d: drive. Vista asked if I was sure I wanted to open the .DOC file and I said yes. What happen after that was that ADMINISTRATOR took ownership of ALL THE FILES on my D: Drive. Nothing worked correctly after that. I reinstalled XP-Pro and that did not help.
I have searched this site and cannot find this error anywhere.
I am trying to do a Vista 64 Complete PC Restore and get this error message.
(I am using the exact same hard drive/computer-everything)
The Windows Complete Restore Operation Failed.
Windows cannot restore a backup that was created on a different computer architecture. The backup was created on a computer with a different architecture (x64) than this computer (x86).
I have my 500gb partitioned c:vista 64 Ultimate & d:xp-pro
I have not changed anything.
I really only want to restore the d:xp-pro.
I have 19 DVDs from the Complete PC Backup.
I am hoping to fix this today...
Thanks in advance.
P.S. The reason I want to restore my D:XP-PRO drive is because, while in the c:Vista 64 operating system, I wanted to view a file on the d: drive. Vista asked if I was sure I wanted to open the .DOC file and I said yes. What happen after that was that ADMINISTRATOR took ownership of ALL THE FILES on my D: Drive. Nothing worked correctly after that. I reinstalled XP-Pro and that did not help.