New Member
Greetings, I have an Equium A200 Toshiba lap top running Vista Home Premium. All was well untill a month ago when I broke the screen. After being repaired it has started playing up. Sometimes the touch pad wont work, the screen flickers and today when I turned it on the whole screen was on its side. To see it the right way up you would have to hold the lap top like a book, with the keyboard on your left. I hate sending things of to be repaired and do you think someone could have mucked about with it? Or is it just that it will never be right after being broken? Is there anyway I could check to make sure no-one has done something bad to it. Since we have had it back someone keeps trying to hack into it from the same IP address. When I try to trace it, it sais the address is private. Am using zone alarm fire wall. Can someone please give me some sort of idea as to what is up!!!