Hi Hyan:
If I make a shortcut of the Cmd.Exe, it also works for me. My problem is attempting to create a shortcut to an executable in DOS which I create myself (a compiled C program or a Bat file, etc). If I create a duplicate of any previously created Icon (the Cmd.Exe for example) and choose different Icon, that works fine. But as soon as I enter the path to my own executable file, the desktop Icon turns white or blank. Apparently Vista knows it isn't a windows file and doesn't seem to want to apply an Icon. I just bought this new computer with Vista and have been playing with this problem for a few days. My old machine (Win2000) allowed me to do this. But everything I try with Vista makes the desktop Icon turn blank.
I did find something on the net about "exefix_vista" which supposedly fixes associations in Vista. I thought maybe that might fix this problem. But when I downloaded it and followed the instructions, Vista came back and said that the Register Editor could not be accessed.
I hate to give up but I've messed with this problem long enough. I will just use the blank Icons. I can give them names OK and they do what I need. Thanks for the response.