Deadlock 2 shrinewars for vista help


New Member
I have tracked down an old game which i was really fond of when i was in school called Deadlock 2 shrinewars which was made by Accolade (not around any more but i belive they r Atari now)

Anyways when i try to install it on my Vista x64 machine it will load up the install shield then an error msg will come up "requires Direct X to install" i have never come across such an error before and i need help with it =x

Weird thing is i can load the game up if i open my D drive and start the game up straight from the CD (but unable to access most of the game), it's kinda frustrating tho i can play it so i know it's compatible with my machine but not install it

I've tried opening the CD and use the compatibly mode (bloody thing never works) on the Setup exe file, installing the old Direct x that comes with the CD, i was going to try removing direct x from my machine totally and try installing it but it doesn't show up in windows vista like it did with XP and the older OS'

If anyone can give me any kind of help i would be very grateful

My Computer

Nevermind i figured it out, i needed to set compatibly mode to 256colour and tick the run and admin button on the auto run icon aswell as on the setup exe

My Computer
