I use Vista Ultimate x64, which works fine, just fine, except when gaming.
Whenever I fire up a game, the arrow/pointer/marker flashes constantly slightly down and to the right of the center of the screen. Very annoying. Or, let me be precise, Bioshock works fine(except you need dualcore like Crysis for the sound to be smooth, I have a 4200+ lying around), it's was only in Farcry2 the marker appeared, and I actually managed to get rid of it once, by moving it out of view before starting the game - didn't work again. And now the pointer appears in Hitman Blood Money as well, same place. These are the only games I've tried in VUx64 so far - might it be the Crossfire?
Whenever I fire up a game, the arrow/pointer/marker flashes constantly slightly down and to the right of the center of the screen. Very annoying. Or, let me be precise, Bioshock works fine(except you need dualcore like Crysis for the sound to be smooth, I have a 4200+ lying around), it's was only in Farcry2 the marker appeared, and I actually managed to get rid of it once, by moving it out of view before starting the game - didn't work again. And now the pointer appears in Hitman Blood Money as well, same place. These are the only games I've tried in VUx64 so far - might it be the Crossfire?