Ahh...you finished FEAR 2. What you didn't like Alma's belly rub dance? Yeah, the ending was...different? But getting there was enjoyable. I really loved the game. My favorite missison is the first tram car ride - Intense! The game has some really good fire fights.
I rather get a belly dance from someone that is not trying to bite my head off... thank you very much :D
Yeah, that first tram was awesome, the next parts were more intense but found it a bit tedious since you were overrun with tangos and not enough cover places. I hated the fact that you have to expose yourself since there is no cover system, then again, it was never ment to be a tactical game but a simple shooter and it delivers!!!
Another part I love is when he is in the Mounted Turret gun... boy of boy does that thing Kicks some heave A$$!!!
No there are no side missions, but you can always replay the game or individual missions on hard. Plus you can get those achievements you might of missed.
The awards are for doing certain things like killing 4 or more enimies with a single grenade, or finding all items like reflex injectors, or readding all the journals throughout the game. Stuff like that.
Yeah, I guess I have to try that if I can't find anything else to play at the moment.
If you're looking for a game to keep you involved with plenty of side missions and multiple choices on accomplishing missions, Fallout 3 is the game. Right now I'm playing it and it's great. Can't get bored there, if anything it's bit confusing as there are many routes to the end goal, but once you decide on a course, it get's to be fun from there. Check it out.
I tried Fallout 3 but left it a bit before going out into the world. I found it tedious to say the least since I really hate games that I have answer multiple choice questions. I have heard that it gets much better after you get out but I don't know if I want to endure the beginning again... is there a way to open all the missions? if so, I may give it another run.
I started to give Farcry 2 a go, but from the reviews and posts i've read, I decided to pass. I Loved the original Farcry and Farcry 2 isn't Farcry.
Heck, I even got Banned from the UBI forum for posting negativately about this game, GRAW I & II and Vegas 1 & 2.
Ubisoft Montreal do make a nice graphics game but it ends there. If you go to their forums, all you see now is how people are complaining about the lack of support, communication, down servers and no fix (patch) in sight any time soon... they sure as heck marketed and hyped the hell out this game, I called them on it, they call me a whinner and I am laughing hard at them now! :huh:
But yeah, I loved FarCry, I recently played it again for the upteen time and you are Correct on the fact that FarCry2 has nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Farcry. It gets stupid, repetitive right from the beginning.
They claim the game is a huge open world and you can go at it at any way you want but, God forbid you cross the path they have invisible traced for you... Bam, you are dead from a Malaria attack (it may get better as you progress but I will never know.). It is a huge arcade game (lego Star wars is more realistic) and the driving from mission to mission gets boring in a jiffy.
Did I tell you I don't like this game?
True. So very true. It's not a
bad game per se - just repetitive. It always crashed to the desktop around the hour mark for me which always seemed to coincide with me getting bored....
This is another complain with the game. The Dunia engine is said to be as good if not better than the Unreal3 engine and they (UBI Montreal) used to full effect, that is to say, Eye Candy is top notch but it ends there.
People are getting upset that they get stuck on saved games, at 27%, 54% or 80% of the game and they can't proceed from there.
Those achievements in FEAR 2 are just a console port legacy. Achievements seem worthwhile attaining when playing on a console, but for some reason do nothing for me playing on a PC :huh:
Can't agree with you more, another reason why I whine that Console Games will be the death of a true "First Person Shooter" game. Kids or this new Gen of console players want to get the game, finish it under 10 hours and move on to the next flavor of the month, they want everything and they wanteor think they deserve it now.
Back to FEAR2, the only complaint I had was mainly about game play, it was waaaayyy too easy, even on hard! There was a patch issued last month to fix this, but since I've played the game a couple of times I hardly noticed any difference
Outside of that, great game.
At some points (very minimal though), playing it HARD seems to be impossible to proced, then again, this appears to be this way only when I am super tired, otherwise, yeah, the game is super easy even in Hard mode.
If you're into fright and survival, check out Dead Space, much scarier than FEAR 2.
Their lies the problem... "
I don't like Scarry movies or games and part of what I hated about Fear, FarCry and Crysis is the horror or Alien/Weird Supernatural/Sci-Fi scenarios that I could do away with... other than that, I loved the games and played them a few times.