I am still unable to install X2 the Threat on my PC
When installing I accept the terms in the licence agreement, select destination folder. select default folder and hit Install.
X2 does not install and the following message is displayed:
X2 The Threat - InstallShield Wizard
InstallShield Wizard Completed
The wizard was interrupted before X2 - The Threat could be completely installed.
Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.
Try to install as administrator. Failing that turn of uac just to install then turn it back on again.
I have used X3 Terran Conflict without hassle but this is a newer game.
Try installing it to a custom folder outside of the Program files folder. I've noticed with some games Vista can be a bit picky about what goes in there....not sure why though...
Have you tried running in compatability mode.
Turn off antivirus/spyware just to see if this works (turn it back on after).
Look in any error logs to see if that gives you any help.
Turn off any non essential programs, services or addons you have to vista.
Click on the start button,
Right click on My Computer and choose manage.
You will now find lots of usefull utilities.
Your error logs and performance logs can all be found here.
There is a lot of stuff in here. I have found something called reliability monitor. It shows all the times I tried to install x2 the threat and failed. It shows the attempt as a failure but not what caused it.
In ‘Computer Management (Local) -> System Tools -> Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application’ there is a long list of warnings, errors and information. What am I specifically looking for?