I think it's a problem involving the Halo 2 video game and the proccesor
To utilize a dual core processor, the operating system must be able to recognize
multi-threading and the software must have simultaneous multi-threading technology (SMT) written into its code. SMT enables parallel multi-threading wherein the cores are served multi-threaded instructions in parallel. Without (SMT) the software will only recognize one core.
so in other words the video game is running on only one core and overloading it.
I think you may have a problem with your GPU. You exceed the recommended specs. Graphical tearing could indicated a bad graphics card.
You could also have fragmentation. This can can slugglishness, etc. try a full defrag through command prompt. If the problem with tearing still occurs I think your card is bad.
Start> in search, type cmd>right click and run as administrator>click "continue"> in command copy/paste the following and hit enter (do not close command until defrag is finished or it will abort):
defrag c: -w
(note- command essentially means defrag all files on c drive regardless of size (if C: is not your Windows drive change it)
Well i had the same problem. Lots of jerkyness and lag. The way i fixed it was i used the nVidia control panel and set the settings for the halo 2 application for itself, rather than using global settings, you need to turn on vsync. That solved my issue for it. While i was there i also bumped up every possible settings to the max and i run the game flawlessly now.
The problem is that your computer exceeds the recommended requirements.