Yes.. crysis uses some very "heavy" models... a few others do as well, but many game houses like to make sure almost any machine ( within a few years old anyway ) can handle the load so useing things like sprites and trees and shrubs that use 4 or 6 planes to make up the actual tree or shrubs makes iot alor easier for machines to run the game.. along with many, many other things like lighting, speacial effects and so on...Crysis kinda prides itself on being a " benchmark" game...Alot of games will have trees and things of that nature in varying degrees of definition so the further away you go.. the less complex the model is..just as an example.. I do some still art work in a ray tracer program, and a single tree can have hundreds of thousands....( yes I have had several in the millions) of polys....imagine rendering a forest in a game as your running through it shooting??? LOL