Problem with installing directx update.


New Member
Okay, the other day i decided to do a reinstall of vista ultimate x64, i also decided to try to run with UAC on for a change.

The problem is the DirectX Web Installer from the Microsoft site, it won't install:
Installing components:
And then i get an error saying:
An internal error occurred. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log in your Windows folder to determine problem.
So i check out those files, and they say:
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: WinMain()
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry.
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
08/26/08 12:26:05: DXWSetup: A newer version of DirectX have been installed already.
08/26/08 12:26:05: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate()
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = %DirectX_Setup%
08/26/08 12:26:07: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = %DirectX_Setup%, status = 0x0
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x0, str = (null), status = 0x0
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: WM_APP_DOWNLOADDXUPDATE
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine()
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine(): Sections are not initialized.
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: PreinstDlgProc(): CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.
08/26/08 12:26:08: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
08/26/08 12:26:09: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
08/26/08 12:26:10: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
08/26/08 12:26:10: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
08/26/08 12:26:10: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.
[08/26/08 12:26:08] module: DXWSetup(Jul 31 2008), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 219, function: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine

Sections are not initialized.

[08/26/08 12:26:08] module: DXWSetup(Jul 31 2008), file: psheets.cpp, line: 472, function: PreinstDlgProc

CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.
Am pretty sure it's UAC messing up, it doesn't allow the installer to check the system32 folder or whatever. I've tried going into safe mode with networking activated, and there i can install the update without any problem. But i don't want to boot to safe mode everytime i want to do something similar.

So what can i do? Beside turning UAC off, but if that's the only way, then I'll guess that what am gonna do.

Edit: Using the DirectX Redist works.
Edit2: Yes, I've tried the "Run as administrator" option.
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My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Intel Q6600 @ 3GHz
    Asus P5K-E
    GeIL 4x1GB PC6400 DDR2
    Graphics card(s)
    (ATI)SAPPHIRE HD 4870 512MB
    Hard Drives
    HDD1: WDC 500GB HDD2: WDC 500GB
I sometimes have to turn UAC off temporarily to do some things. I found that startup program settings (allow to run and ask each time) will not save with UAC on. You might try and download the full update and redo it as opposed to using the web installer.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Core Duo 2 E6700
    ASUS P5W DH Deluxe
    4g-Corsair XMS2 6400
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI 4870x2
    Hard Drives
    2 Maxtor Essential SATA2 drives Raid 0 Pioneer 212D SATA DVD-R/W
Thanks for the answer. I used the DirectX Redist(the whole thing) and it installed fine, so i got up to date directx now. I just wanted the web installer to work, but it seems the only way is to boot into safe mode or turn UAC off.

So i guess when you try to install something and it does not work, one should just try with UAC off or boot to safe mode? Reason am asking is because I've heard bad things about switching UAC on and off, because things can get installed at different locations and so forth, so they won't work?

Edit: As @Brink informed me about in another thread, he mentioned an built-in administrator account, that you can enable, which does not have any restrictions. I'll guess using that when you face problem with UAC not allowing you to do stuff, can also be an option?
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My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Intel Q6600 @ 3GHz
    Asus P5K-E
    GeIL 4x1GB PC6400 DDR2
    Graphics card(s)
    (ATI)SAPPHIRE HD 4870 512MB
    Hard Drives
    HDD1: WDC 500GB HDD2: WDC 500GB