I hope this is the right place to post this, if not: Sorry.
Just got my new laptop with vista, and I love it. Except for one thing: I have an old game I really want to install, but my pc refuses to follow my instruction.
The game is called Myst Uru: complete chronicles. Whenever I try to start the setup I get a blank window and the arrow that indicates that the pc is trying to load. And there it hangs. If I try to click on it, I get the error: Windows Explorer not responding. After a while the bottom bar (can't remember the correct english name for it) also stop responding. All I see is the circle arrow when I put the cursor over. I have to use alt-tab to shift between windows. Waiting some more, that also stops to function. When I open the cd to look at the files on it, several of them are without pictures. It's like the cd/dvd drive can't read it properly. (Opening the cd also makes my pc stop as descibed above.)
What bugs me the most is that older games than this, innstalles without problems.
And others have told me that they can use the exact same game on vista without any problems. That makes me wonder whay can't I:-). The cd it self seems to be ok, because I can install it without problem on my old laptop, and the cd have hardly been used.
As you probably have guessed, I'm not a pc expert, but if any are willing to try and help me I will be very happy. I do not know what you want of information so I have not included any here.
Just got my new laptop with vista, and I love it. Except for one thing: I have an old game I really want to install, but my pc refuses to follow my instruction.
The game is called Myst Uru: complete chronicles. Whenever I try to start the setup I get a blank window and the arrow that indicates that the pc is trying to load. And there it hangs. If I try to click on it, I get the error: Windows Explorer not responding. After a while the bottom bar (can't remember the correct english name for it) also stop responding. All I see is the circle arrow when I put the cursor over. I have to use alt-tab to shift between windows. Waiting some more, that also stops to function. When I open the cd to look at the files on it, several of them are without pictures. It's like the cd/dvd drive can't read it properly. (Opening the cd also makes my pc stop as descibed above.)
What bugs me the most is that older games than this, innstalles without problems.
And others have told me that they can use the exact same game on vista without any problems. That makes me wonder whay can't I:-). The cd it self seems to be ok, because I can install it without problem on my old laptop, and the cd have hardly been used.
As you probably have guessed, I'm not a pc expert, but if any are willing to try and help me I will be very happy. I do not know what you want of information so I have not included any here.